Apparently, Usher is putting the house that the two lived in when they were married on the market, even though Tameka still lives in it.
According to TMZ, Usher is allowed to do this because of their agreement from their divorce settlement.Tameka
"Usher has allowed Tameka to live in the home for the last few years -- but per their 2009 divorce agreement, Usher has the right to sell the pad at any time as long as he gives 60 days notice. According to sources, Tameka didn't take the news well, seeing as she has no income of her own and has been financially dependent on Usher since the divorce."
Tameka who recently said in an interview confirmed that Usher did in fact cheat on her.This relationship seems like it may only get uglier since Usher won full custody of their 2 sons, but hopefully they can find some common ground.
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